With the success of the Forum Marco Rodogno came up with the idea of starting a real club in the UK. Since James and myself had already mentioned this, we were really happy to hear other people were looking forward to this, as well as willing to put some effort in it.
After a trip to the Dyno Day of 2002 in the UK, we gathered up with some people and worked on the idea. Two months later, the Fiat Coupe Club UK was officially launched. A good month or three later, we already had more members than the official Fiat Club UK.
The club doesn't just offer a club card to show off. It organises events (one of which is the annual Big Event in the summer), contacts companies to offer discounts, offers technical help through the Forum, brings out a newsletter every now and again, keeps in touch with Fiat UK,... In other words: everything a real club should offer. A single discount offer through the club could already get you your member fee back!
Becoming a member is a must for every Coupe owner in the UK. Go to www.fccuk.org and become one today! You'll get a Fiat Coupe Club gift if you sign up!